Hi Jillian, I'm so sorry you're going through something similar! In terms of diet, I've found the Mediterranean diet is sustainable and leaves me feeling well- I also cut out alcohol and processed sugar, which help. I would definitely recommend testing for food sensitivities- look for a nutritionist or functional medicine practitioner, as they'll have a much better grasp of diet and systemic inflammation- but Everlywell would also be a good place to start pinpointing what's bothering your body. If you're also experiencing arthritis symptoms, my nutritionist shared with me that dairy sensitivity tends to be the most likely culprit. I hope that helps and you feel better soon- I'm running a women's wellness group and we're actually hosting an event next month by a nutritionist on diet & inflammation, so just shoot me an e-mail if that's up your alley: critelli2@gmail.com. Cheers :)