Hi Lisa,
I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this! So, I can definitely recommend water fasting combined with the advice in the Body Ecology Diet overall. Here are a few things I found very helpful in combination:
-Water fasting (first, I did intermittent fasting and only ate in an 7 window, which already seemed to help my gut recover for the remaining 17 hrs); later, I did water fasting for 4 days, which offered some additional benefits, but was hard to coordinate with daily life. I would suggest starting with intermittent fasting and see if you already notice a big shift
-Taking digestive enzymes before meals and betaine HCl with meals really helped my digestion (Candida feeds off undigested food particles and these support your body in digestion)
-Eating only until 80% full
-For dietary advice, I found the "Body Ecology Diet" to have some very helpful tips, since the author herself spent a long time overcoming Candida. The book "fast like a girl" also gives great tips on Intermittent Fasting. I'm going to update the article sometime soon to pull out more of the explicit advice from the book, but what I shared is what I noticed the biggest impact from.
Best of luck and sending you support! xx